From FragoriaWiki
The reason why for differences in car insurance quotes for different cars is found in the security featured contained in each car and the driver that may be prevented by additional characteristics from running in to an injury. There are various numbers of car producers out there and you could realize how much of a difference there is regarding security if only checking record regarding the number of accidents average driver of such cars runs into; also the fact that some cars are safer than other if in an injury is a fact that can not be contradicted by anyone and one may feel way safer if driving a car carrying the seal of certain brands.
Insurance companies find that as very significant as some features present in a single car enables the driver to avoid accidents easier than if driving a different car; if still, the accident happens, the material damage and the injuries registered by the passengers are lighter if the car was build to be safer and in that case the costs for rebuilding of the car and treatments required for the passengers are lower if the car was safer and therefore the car insurance quote released for such cars at times could be ridiculously low.
You may be able to benefit of all that very simple as you can decide upon buying a safer car; you are able to inquire with various car producers in regards to the safety top features of certain cars that may interest you and you may enable these characteristics to weigh a little more in your final decision to purchase a car or yet another as among future advantages beside a safer ride you will get cheaper insurance rates , for example visit this page.